About us


This event was certainly the best I have delivered in my 10 years of managing events for CII. Chopra Audio Visual excelled in all areas, were professional at all times, always delivering to exact requirements and very very tight time scales.

I was impressed and pleased with your team's professionalism. They made the event a resounding success. I shall never hesitate in recommending Chopra Audio Visual.


- 1975 - Started Chopra Sound
- 1983 - Got the Taj Palace Contract
- 1984 - Managed State Visit of Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister of United Kingdom)
- 1987 - Renamed Chopra Sound to Chopra Audio Visual
- 1995 - Did the First Presentation in Parliament House
- 1995 - CII Centenary Celebrations at Kolkata - CII Patnership Summit
- 1997 - Diversified in a Special Event Arm - Cigma Events

Managed visits of high profile dignitaries

- Barrak Obama India Visit - Mumbai - Nov 2010
- George Bush - New Delhi - Mar 2006/Nov 2009
- Tony Blair - New Delhi/Bangalore - 2002/2005
- Vlamdir Putin - New Delhi - 2000/2007/2008/2010/2011
- Bill Clinton - New Delhi/Mumbai - Mar 2000
- Hillary Clinton - Mumbai - 2009
- Dmitry Medvedev - New Delhi - 2008
- David Cameron - Bangalore - July 2010
- Margaret Thatcher - New Delhi - April 1984
- John Major - New Delhi - Jan 1993
- Jacques Chirac - New Delhi - Feb 2006
- Boris Yeltsin - New Delhi - Jan 1993/Dec 1997